Invoice page
Learn how to manage your invoices on the Dashboard.
Last updated
Learn how to manage your invoices on the Dashboard.
Last updated
Invoices move through different statuses from the time they’re created to when they’re paid. You can track the status of an invoice on the Invoices page.
On the Invoices page, you can search invoice according to their invoice number and customer email. To filter your invoices in more detail, click More filters. MoneyCollect gives you the option to filter your invoices by status, amount, creation date, due date, and collection method.
You see a Download PDF button when you hover over the overflow menu (...). Depending on the invoice status, clicking the button downloads either a PDF of the invoice or a receipt. If the customer has paid the invoice, MoneyCollect generates a PDF of the receipt. For all other statuses, MoneyCollect generates a PDF of the invoice. The overflow menu also provides additional actions, which allow you to view the connected customer.
You can export all of your invoices, or a subset of them (as a CSV file) by using the Export feature.
When you click on an invoice on the Invoices page, its details page opens. You can perform a variety of invoice actions on the details page, depending on the status of the invoice—such as editing it, adding a note, resending it, downloading a receipt, and more.