Scalable payments solution for fast-growing businesses.
Thanks to parent Adobe, Magento Commerce brings visual expertise to e-commerce and Magento stores are vivid and colorful, with engaging imagery that drives conversions and extends sessions.
When it comes to the last step on the customer journey: completing the purchase – that’s a job for MoneyCollect.
👨💻Create MoneyCollect account
💡Download for free
🔧View on github
MoneyCollect x Magento offer:
Start accepting payments within minutes
A single solution: A single contract and integration allows you to accept all major payment method
Transparent pricing
Exemplary security and compliance standards
Customized checkout
Easy refunds
Intuitive Dashboard
Multilingual support
Steps to integrate MoneyCollect in your Magento webshop
Download the latest version of Magento 2.0 the and then configure the module to set the payment methods and checkout options for your Magento site.
Install the module
1、Upload code to your Magento directory:/magento2/app/code
2、Run the following command to start your module
3、If you run Magento in production mode, you must also compile and deploy the module’s static files.
Close the module:
php bin/magento module:disable --clear-static-content Moneycollect_Payment
Start the module:
php bin/magento module:enable Moneycollect_Payment
Uninstall the module:
Run the following command after you close the module:
Find the module configuration options
To configure the Magento module navigate to the configuration section for it(STORES -> Configuration-> Sales -> Payment Methods-> MoneyCollect Payment)
Configure API keys
Activate the plugin and enter your MoneyCollect API key.
Mode:If you would like to test a payment, select test mode. Change to live mode when you’re ready to accept live transactions.
API keys: Fill in the test and live keys that MoneyCollect provides to you when creating your account. To get them, log into MoneyCollect Dashboard, navigate to Developers ->API keys.When you toggle on the test mode, the keys are test key with prefix "test_". Otherwise they are live keys with prefix "live_".
Configure card payments
Enabled: Enable or disable card payments at checkout.
Title: Change this to whatever you want to display to the customer on the checkout page.
Statement Descriptor:Billing address, shown in the customer’s bank statements. If left empty, the default descriptor is website domain name.
Pre auth:Select No if you want to charge customer cards immediately after a purchase. This is the default option and doesn’t require you to do anything after the customer has placed the order. If you prefer to finalize the payment later, you can choose Yes which authorizes (and locks) the order amount on the customer’s card so you can capture the amount later.
Checkout Model:
Save Customer Cards:Enable this if you want to save customer cards on MoneyCollect's servers so that they don't have to enter the details of the same card twice. This option only available for In-page Checkout.
Select Card Icons:Choose whether you want to display card icons for the supported payment options of your MoneyCollect account. Customize it by selecting card icons and displaying them.
After configuring your account settings and integration, you’re ready to go live and start processing payments!
Last updated