Products & Prices

What is a product?

Products describe what your business offers to your customers, whether that’s goods or services.

What is a price?

Prices track how much and how often to charge of the specific product.

Create products & prices

When you create products in MoneyCollect dashboard, you have to provide the name of your product. You can optionally add other attributes, like a description, image or unit label.

The quickest and easiest way to get started with products and prices is to create them through the MoneyCollect dashboard.

Create products

  1. Navigate to Productspage and click Add productsbutton.

  2. Enter the Name of your product.

  3. (Optional) Add an Image, Unit label and Description of your product.

Add product information

Create one price or multiple prices

  1. Click+ Add another price.

  2. Select Standard pricingPackage pricingGraduated pricing or Volume pricing for pricing model.

  3. Enter price amountand select currency.

  4. Select Recurring or One-time.

  5. For Recurring

Select daily, monthly or yearly for the billing period.

(Optional) Add free trial & price description.

For One-time

(Optional) Add price description.

Products can use multiple prices to define different pricing options. The product description is shared between prices and appears the same on the customer’s receipt and invoice—only the pricing differs.

Manage all products and their prices

Navigate to Products page. You can view all products and prices from the list.

Products page

Update products & prices

1.Navigate to Productspage and select one of products to Products details page.

2.Click Editbutton on Products details page.

Delete products & prices

The products and their prices can't be deleted if they have been used in a transaction. If you’re no longer using this product, you can always archive it.

Archive products

1.Navigate to Productspage and click the Available tab.

2.Click... and select Archive product.

Unarchive products

1.Navigate to Productspage and click the Archive tab.

2.Click... and select Unarchive product.

Delete products

If your products haven't been used in a transaction,you delete them directly. The deletion cannot be undone.

  1. Navigate to Productspage.

  2. Click... and select Delete product.

Last updated