Activate Account


The MoneyCollect Wallet, developed by MoneyCollect, is an e-wallet service designed to offer merchants with virtual banking account service. It supports multi-currency and multi-regional collections and transfers, featuring real-time currency exchange. Additionally, MC Wallet seamlessly integrates with MoneyCollect's existing suite of financial solutions, providing a cohesive and efficient user experience for our clients.

Signing up

  1. Visit to sign up your registration email, which will be your future login account for accessing MCWallet/MoneyCollect.

  1. Upon entering your email, a verification email will be sent to that address. Please click the link contained within to continue with the registration.

  1. Please provide your real name and a valid phone number, as we may use this information to contact you. You can update this information at any time in your account profile.

Activate Your Account

In accordance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, our financial services necessitate the implementation of the 'Know Your Customer' (KYC) process. This vital procedure is designed to prevent identity theft, financial fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing, thereby ensuring the integrity and security of financial transactions within our platform.

To activate your account, it is imperative that you utilize a legally registered corporate entity within the supported countries/regions as the accountable party for your wallet account. The KYC process involves the collection, verification, and retention of your corporate documentation and identification information to meet regulatory and compliance obligations. By adhering to these protocols, we can provide a secure and trustworthy environment for all our users.

Verifying your business in Hong Kong SAR

This passage outlines the documents necessary for entities to initiate an account with MC Wallet, provided the business is established in Hong Kong.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Business Registration Sample

Certificate of incorporation Sample

Partnership agreement/deed

A copy of your partnership contract, ensuring it distinctly outlines the capital investment of each partner in the partnership, expressed as a percentage.

Verifying your business in the US / UK

This passage outlines the documents necessary for entities to initiate an account with MC Wallet, provided the business is established in the United States and United Kingdom.

Articles of Incorporation Sample

Partnership agreement/deed

A copy of your partnership contract, ensuring it distinctly outlines the capital investment of each partner in the partnership, expressed as a percentage.

Verifying your business in other countries/regions

This passage outlines the documents necessary for entities outside of Hong Kong SAR, the United States, and the United Kingdom to initiate an account with MC Wallet.

Restricted countries or regions

In accordance with relevant financial regulations, we DO NOT provide services to business entities registered in following countries/regions:

Merchants from MoneyCollect

If you are already a certified merchant with MoneyCollect, activating your MoneyCollect Wallet will not require additional verification.

By clicking the "Activate MC Wallet" button in the merchant dashboard, and successfully registering or linking an MC Wallet account, the wallet will be automatically activated.

For detailed instruction, see:

Last updated