

Accurate 3D control (Multi -dimensional risk control rules are used to effectively and accurately locate fraudsters and normal customers, and take 3D verification measures for high-risk customer payments.)

  • Accurately locate fraudulent customers

  • Reduce fraud without affecting user experience

  • 3D control: Credit and debit card payments at a high risk of fraud. To address this problem, 3D Secure lets you build in an extra layer of fraud protection and ensure that you only accept card payments from legitimate customers. As an added incentive, authenticating a payment with 3D Secure shifts the liability for chargebacks due to fraud from your business to your customer’s bank.


Founded in 2005, Verifi is an award-winning provider of end-to-end payment protection and management solutions. Verifi’s solutions provide protection from fraud, disputes, and chargebacks, enabling sellers to increase profits and provide a better customer experience throughout the post-transaction life cycle.

Order Insight: Enrich the Customer Experience

Order Insight connects sellers to issuers to provide customers with seller business and purchase details in real-time, at point of inquiry to clarify confusion and prevent disputes.

Issuers and cardholders access detailed purchase information from sellers via a global data-sharing network to prevent disputes at first customer inquiry.

  • Easily identify friendly or first-party fraud

  • Reduce customer billing confusion

  • Improve the customer experience

  • Access global network of Visa issuers

Total Dispute Management solutions leverage Visa’s network to provide protection from fraud and non-fraud disputes, increasing profits for payments stakeholders and enhancing customer experience. Verifi’s PREVENT solution enables cardholders and issuers to validate sales and combat friendly fraud at the inquiry stage.


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