
Effortlessly collect your recurring payments.

Recurring payments are used to charge customers on a regular basis. MoneyCollect now supports merchants to initiate recurring payments through our powerful API, in which way to facilitate your customers with an easy first payment and then ready to collect payments recurrently without any effort.

To reduce the risk of chargebacks, it’s recommended to communicate how often and how much the customer will be charged as clearly as possible. We suggest notifying the customer a couple of days in advance of the next payment, for example by sending them an email.

Initial payment

Intial payment is the first transaction of a rebilling cycle. In order to get started with recurring payments you need to require the customer’s consent through the initial payment.

Merchants can start a recurring transaction through create payment api.For the initial transaction of a rebilling cycle, the initial must set to be true and the relationPaymentId must be null.

For the initial payment, cutomers need to complete 3D Secure authentication process to prevent fraud.

Rebill payment

Rebill payment is the subsequent transaction of a rebilling cycle.

For the subsequent transaction of a rebilling cycle, the initial can be null or set to be false and the relationPaymentId must be the Payment IDof its initial payment.

Recurring payment are not available for visitors, that is to say, thecustomerIDcannot be nullin recurring payments for both initial payment and rebill payment.

Create a customer for your shopper,then associate the returned customerId with the membership identifier in your system.

MoneyCollect dashboard

MoneyCollect enables merchants to view their existing recurring payments from MoneyCollect Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Payments page in your Dashboard,and click Edit view.

  2. Tick Description.

  3. You can tell from Description which are initial payments and which are rebill payments.

  4. Select one of payments to Payment details page.

  5. InPayment details page, you can also tell from Description if this is an initial payment or a rebill payment.

Last updated