3D secure authentication

Learn about 3Ds authentication to reduce fraud and meet regulatory requirements.

The basic security measures are necessary:

  • AVS: the Address Verification System

  • CVC verification.

For extra fraud protection, 3D Secure (3Ds) requires customers to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying. Typically, after customers enter their card details to confirm a payment, you will direct them to an authentication page( the authentication is co-branded by the card network) on their bank’s website. Then they enter a password associated with the card or a code sent to their phone to approve the purchase.


Request additional information to build an extra layer of fraud protection.


The additional steps of checkout lead customers to abandon the purchase.

The Strong Customer Authentication regulation in Europe requires the use of 3Ds for card payments. 3Ds is optional in other regions but you can still use it as a tool to reduce fraud.

3D Secure 2.0

Instead of entering a password or just receiving a text message,the cardholder can authenticate a payment through a bank app by just visiting their fingerprint or even facial recognition.

If the cardholder’s bank doesn't yet support 3D secure 2.0,we will dynamically fall back to show 3D secure 1.0.

Last updated